Tuesday, June 18, 2019


I've lived most of my life inside my head. And it's far from true living and distant from the promise of life to the full. I got out of bed today sore and unwilling. Before I managed to shower, I asked the Lord to free me from despair. In Jesus' Name, I claimed victory and trusted in the Almighty. Like the gray clouds dispersed by the emerging light, my resolve to live cleared my head. As I sit now and work on exposing my thoughts, I will honor the Lord for His work and thank the husband who got me out of bed today and took me to work beating traffic and tardiness.

Today is a reminder that in life its the small acts of commitment that matter the most. They can lead us (or sometimes push us) to the right path. Not to the grand and spectacular life we mostly daydream about but towards truth and sacrifice. Truth in all things that work for good. And goodness that flourish in every sacrifice both for the taker and the giver. My sacrifice today is a broken spirit and the strength of my weary bones is gratitude.

Friday, June 14, 2019

My Life is Not My Own

I am crushed and pressed
My heart heavy in my chest
Too much demands I'm carrying
Within I am tired and bleeding

I want to own my life and time
Take full control, I whine
I got trapped with responsibilities
Burdened & out of possibilities

I cried to the Lord for help
And sought the Holy Spirit
He took me by the hand
On a rock He made me stand

I am a slave to my Lord
To my Master I am yoked
My life is not my own
Obedience is my song

-June 14, 2019 | 1:27PM-

Thursday, November 2, 2017

i love to write.

maybe because words have always been a comforting companion. and they just flow out naturally even before i learned to do my math.

maybe because i love how i feel every time i finish reading a good book or a blog.

maybe because i have the desire to reach out to people and give back the same inspiration i get every time i get to read their hearts.

or maybe i just do because it's a gift and it's how the Creator wants me to celebrate this gift.

and so i will keep writing. to give thanks. to celebrate a life. to honor time.
Birthdays are special because they let you realize, again and again, that you have a Creator who loves you enough to give up His own life for you.

Friday, January 8, 2016

pain and jealousy

a repost from Lent of 2014.

Pain & Jealousy
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
1:03 PM

I spent Lent reflecting on Pain. I ended April -(springtime) with a snap on Jealousy.

Reflecting on pain caused me to fear that the Lord may lead me to a life of single blessedness.
Fear, or should I say dread, clouded my vision of faith. Instead of trusting in the Lord and recalling all His graces unto me, I got narrow sighted and fixated on my false knowledge of the Lord - that He is one to cause pain and pain alone.

Pain perhaps was a way to show me that the path of obedience - to the (community) way of life I was called entails pain. It is not one of smooth and bump-free ride. It is not "only until it is all fine and sunny". It has to be all the way - in victory and in pain. But I took it differently instead. In my resistance towards pain and suffering, I became the lord of my life by securing all possible measures to ensure my "safety". Even to the point of declaring singleness while there is time to save face and acquire applause for a noble choice. I do not want to grow old and single and having to deal with my imaginary audience explaining the whys and hows. Or so, even, I am afraid that my own reflection will ask me one day - where your choices have led you?  And so before that can happen, I wanted an insurance policy. Like playing the game of chess, I used up my mind to work out strategies to check mate. I forgot I am not a chess player with a sharp mind. I am a woman in need of her God.

Today's (apr 30) reflection of the WAU pointed out the Sadducees' jealousy that blinded their vision and clouded their judgment. Instead of praising God for their own gift, they curse God's work by coveting other people's goodness. In the same manner, I find myself in the same situation. I am slow to recognize the jealousy building up in me as I witness one couple after the other, in fast progression, wed in the altar before us. Friends and community brethren enter into relationships, undergo marriage preparations, get married and raise their young children right before my eyes. Their blessings, though I witness with happiness for them , secretly caused my heart to question the Lord's plan for my life. Today, I am still not even 100% certain that He will bless me the life I so desired - to be a wife and mother. There are no guarantees, no insurance policies. But I guess that is what they call faith. To believe in the unseen, to trust in the unknown.

where your choices have led you? This is me asking myself. Today.
Well, for one, it has led me to a life of discipleship. Every day I wake up, get up and live my life just the way how it is. And in that every single day, I am (and will be) thanking God for His generosity and mercy. I am nothing and yet I am given everything - life in its fullness.

Second, to a love-filled life. The love and acceptance I enjoy every day from my family is comforting and nurturing. This time of my life I am able to devote my time to people who love me and care for me. And I have the time to care for each in return. I am once again reminded never to waste any single moment as like everything else, this too may pass. Before the next season comes along, I am to be present to the here and now. It will be a waste spending a day wishing on for tomorrow.

Third and last. It has led me to waiting. A special time of being pruned and groomed. Waiting is never easy and comfortable. While I wait I am often tempted to get restless and do insignificant things to divert my focus. However, on the other side of the coin, waiting can be a very precious opportunity to train and learn- while keeping in place my focus. The main goal is God, not me. It is one very difficult discipline to master. Waiting is God's gift for me to master it before my next assignment. Else, I will be one lousy disciple. Either married or single, lousy is no cool.

I am Roms. Single and cool :)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Here For You

24 December 2015

It's the day before Christmas and it's 10:03 in the morning. I have a long list of stuffs to get done for the day to set off a personal Christmas tradition. While making the bed and sorting out the laundry, my head races for the other items on the checklist - clear the shelf, sort the books, put away the pens and pile up neat the clothes in the closet. Lost in a moment of eagerness, the playlist suddenly rocked the little home with these lyrics:

So you think you've got it all figured out
Well you know you can't make it alone
Everybody needs somebody to help them out
And you know I could be that someone

So you think that love is long overdue
Tired of looking for someone to care
Let me tell you now the choice is up to you
But you know I will always be there

So now you've got it all figured out
And you know you've found someone that cares
And if you ever need somebody to help you out
Well you know I will always be there

And if you ever get lost on life's highway
Don't know where to go
There's just one thing that I want you to know

I am here for you, always here for you
When you're needin' someone to hold you
Remember I told you, I am here for you
I am here for you

The Lover sings and the woman breaks. For a heart that longs to love, for hands that long to be held, for a life that longs to be shared, she will always know that she is and will always be loved, held and kept.  And no puzzle will be too hard to have it all figured out.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

the wind beneath my wings

from left: sir john, sir gus, maam elsa, maam lorna & urs truly
I wrote this in my Journal the day after the Lord has brought us into victory. This one I learned from work and has greatly shaped my values and my perspective towards life in general.


18 November 2014
5:37PM @ Home

Dear God :)

Let me us eup the last few pages of this notebook thanking and honoring you for your great mercy in all our journey everytime we go to the head Office for Board Mtgs.

Thankyou for a very good year. The Philcom Year as the Mgmt. would say. Thank you for the men and women, all of them who worked hard. thank you for the men and women who assisted us - drivers, janitors, clerks, casuals/contractuals, everybody.

Thank you so much to M' Elsa, M' Lorna, Sir John & Sir Gus. I've learned so much. For this last travel here are what I learned:

  1. Hard work pays off.
  2. Work hard with generosity of heart. Grumbling is being ungrateful.
  1. Honor and thank the people who helped you. Consider every one contributes. Humility is the key.
  1. Respect and honor your bosses. Do not undermine their authority. Humility is the key.
  1. Always give thanks. Express gratitude in tangible ways. Be generous with kind words and actions.
  1. The best way to manage time is to splurge time for God. God first.
  2. Serve God's people first before your own comfort.
  3. Honor your family by involving them and letting them in on your life.
  1. To do more, exercise and eat healthy. Take care of your body and your body will honor you back by sustaining you in a long stretch.
  1. Quiet your mind first before you panic.
  2. Learn to laugh andlet go of what you cannot control.
  1. It is important to spread some laughs.
  1. Have nothing to do with the cheap desire to boast. Always keep in mind, you are not the universe, you are part of an interplay of the universe. Give due credit to everyone in every situation.
  2. Exercise moderation - in hard work, in spending and in worrying.
  3. Relate always. Get in touch with the next person's human side - family and aspirations. The best common ground is what warms the heart. Whether you are the CEO or the driver.
  1. You don’t (and cannot) know it all. Ask help.  Tell the truth when you don't know. But share, always, what you know.
  1. Explore once in a while. Go outside your comfort circle. See places and people you don’t usually come across with. Learn from the unknown.
  2. Take time to enjoy the colors around you - pens, notebooks, post its, clips, tapes -  be creative. You don’t have to be boring when you're busy.
  3. Serve those who work for you. Honor them by serving them (e.g. *** *** serving us coffee and carrying our bags for us)
  4. Slow people are not there to impede you. They are there to teach you to slow down and take notice of what you might have overlooked because you were in a hurry (*'*****)
  5. It's okay to give - out of appreciation (*'****)
  6. You are not necessarily weak when you are a good man. when you are a good man, it's okay to show strength. ( *** & ***)

Gotta end this for now :)
My Lord, thank you.
You are the wind beneath my wings.